Monday, March 5, 2007

Welcome to Markham!

Ooooooh! We're a new CHAPTER! boo-ya-ka-sha! Welcome to Cluster 3! That's right... not 1, not 2... but 3! This is the NEW BLOGSPOT for our wonderful chapter. Here's the dealio, once we get a map, we, the chapterheads shall post it up for you to see! But, basically, if you live in Markham, you're in Markham! We will contact every single person - EVERY ONE. We swear.... we'll get to you.

Contact us at...

Upcoming Events (More details to come!)
  1. "Who are these mysterious beings.... these... Chapter Heads?"
  2. "Heart for the Kids" Training (Saturday, March 31, 2007)
  3. Cluster 3 General Assembly
  4. Pre-Conference (Saturday, April 21, 2007)



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