Thursday, August 16, 2007

Re: Vigil for Christina - Thank You

WOW. I can't believe that what was supposed to be our little MYR prayer meeting turned into such a HUGE thing. We would like to thank PRINCE OF CATHOLIC CHURCH for a huge helping hand at. Thank you, especially, to all of Christina's family members, friends, and even all the strangers for coming to pray for her safe return. To think, that one person could bring us together in prayer. Remember Talk 1 at your Youth For Christ retreat? "God's love and His Plan for Us".

If you missed the vigil, here is a link that will give you the gist of what happened at the Vigil:
Vigil @ Prince of Peace Catholic Church

St. Bernadette's, the charity wherein Christina is employed in the daycare's Best Start Program, also held a vigil at St. Jude's Academy of the Arts at Weston Rd. and Sheppard Avenue West:
Vigil @ St. Jude's Academy of the Arts

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