Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Markham Outreach (Please contact Paolo/Kristen for more info OR CALL KEVIN (416 450 2086))
KFC Big Brother, Big Sister Day
Saturday, May 30, 2009
9:00AM - 4:00PM
Epiphany of Our Lord Parish (3200 Pharmacy Avenue, north of Finch Avenue East)

I would really like to encourage all of you to come to this event to support our sister program (KFC) and to support GK. This event is open to all members in the North/East and Central Area. This event allows the YFC's to integrate themselves with the KFC's of this community. At this event, YFC's who participate have the chance to be a big brother / big sister for the day by going through various activities with their selected KFC in a "play-day" / carnival environment. Along with the details of the event, such as date, time and location, there is a $3.00 registration fee. Also, bring your own lunches, even though snacks will be provided. And keep some extra change with you, because some of the things may require a contribution for GK.

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